Oh Flow
For sacred success, where thriving balance, cyclical essence, embodied purpose, pleasure and personal well-being converge harmoniously.
In the Past “Being Successful” Meant “Survival”.
This outdated way of working is what I call “survival mode success.”
So of course success in our brain’s understanding has now been associated with the “hardships” and “sacrifices” of living to see another day and the feeling of always being faced with a dangerous situation… even if it’s just selling yourself on social media or asking for a promotion.
Which Results in...
Disease in the body, from a weak immune system, to digestive issues, chronic acne, period pain and ailments, throat related pain/colds, and more. On a mental and emotional level, it results in fatigue, overwhelm, exhaustion, lack of motivation and fulfillment, and a consistent feeling of discontent in life.
Now where is that pleasure I was talking about earlier?

Moving from Burnout into Sacred Balance & Freedom
(Watch this short 3 min video & experience the transformation)
So What's the Solution?
It's 100% possible for you to start working less, achieving your next level goals with more quickly and effortlessly, and actually have the time-freedom
My life changed when I began clearing the beliefs I had around working, implementing structures that no longer confined me, and I became incredibly intentional about how I wanted to be spending my time... and it brought me back into balance and alignment. But it was a LONG journey of duct taping together methods to create some sort of patchwork structure (at first).
Without this system and framework, I lived in a consistent state of stress and anxiety (without even realizing it). I was constantly getting physically sick and feeling like I needed to do more. I was super organized so I knew how to get sh*t done but I was playing out toxic productivity and I felt drained, exhausted, and was always "pushing through" to get it all done.
Alignment was the missing piece. Being in "flow" is not something that came naturally to me (hence my overachiever toxic productivity status), however learning how to pair alignment, intuition and feminine flow with my extensive knowledge of type-a organization and productivity, is how I shifted out of my burnout cycle, built up a successful business with ease, and created the time-freedom framework.
I started out as a declutter consultant but quickly pivoted into coaching on mindset decluttering, which brought me to coaching on alignment for creating time-freedom. I am a certified Life and Success Coach, NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, and EFT & TIME Techniques Practitioner. As a once type-a perfectionist, my strategies blend the balance between structures and organization with flow and fun.
Sacred success is created from the inside out.
The strategies and methodologies in the OH FLOW Framework that I teach are proven strategies I have created to change my own life and the lives of my clients. I truly believe that we do not need to work ourselves into the ground to create success and that you can have the balance and ease you desire RIGHT now, as you journey with clarity towards your next level goal.
Next level goals such as...
- Starting your business
- Landing your dream job
- Selling out your product or service
- Writing your novel
- Becoming a published author
- Hitting a specific income (monthly or overall)
- Attract your soulmate (biz partner, client, life partner)
- Create 25-30 hour work weeks
- Take an extended vacation without doing work (or feeling guilty)
- Spending more time with your kids, partner, family
- Wellness goals such as creating a solidified sleep routine so that you have more energy
- *Insert your next level goal here*
You'll be the visionary so you can show up for yourself and attract the life you want.
I will pick up the mental load, see the gaps, and come to you and say, “Here’s what you want your life to look like, and this is how we are going to do to redesign your subconscious and create a clear path to your sacred success & desired freedom.”
Here's How my Proven Framework will get You the Results you are Looking For:

SubConscious ReDesign
By harnessing the power of Subconscious Re-Design using NLP, we facilitate the release of limiting and self-sabotaging beliefs, empowering you to step into your expanded identity of success. Through this transformative process, you will unlock your true potential and embrace a glow-ed up life where you effortlessly magnetize sacred success. Our mission is to guide you in reprogramming your subconscious mind, enabling you to break free from old patterns, transcend limitations, and manifest a life filled with purpose, abundance, and radiant success.

Sacred Balance
Focusing on creating sacred balance between your inner masculine and feminine energies, in order to ensure sustainable expansion and activate the co-creation process in your manifestations. Through our transformative approach, I guide you in becoming magnetic to success while cultivating sustainable balance. By activating and living in wholeness, you unlock the power within you to attract abundance, fulfillment, and sacred success. My mission is to support you in integrating these energies, enabling you to embrace your authentic self, tap into your intuitive wisdom, and navigate life from a place of deep alignment and harmony.

Cyclical Harmony
Fostering cyclical harmony allows you to live a life guided by the wisdom of cyclical codes. Through this transformative approach, you can expand your energy, optimize your time, and enhance your productivity on a daily basis. By aligning with the natural rhythms and cycles of life, you unlock the power to tap into your innate flow, intuition, and creative potential. Through this work, I support you in embracing cyclical living, empowering you to live a life of balance, abundance, and purpose, where you harness the inherent wisdom of cycles to create sustainable success and fulfillment.