Heal your deep-seated communication wounds, articulate your emotional needs, and create your connection style for balanced relationships









Are you ready to break free from the fear and self-doubt that have kept you from having the tough conversations and articulating your emotions, both personally and professionally?

Are you craving deeper connections and to receive more (love, money, opportunities) through more balanced relationships? 


LIBERATION is not just another "mindset" or "communication" relationship course—it's the foundation for breaking through emotional blocks so that you can authentically express your needs, set boundaries in relationships - both personal and professional - and cultivate deeper connective relationships, so that you can receive more (i.e. money, success, love) of what you desire & deserve. 



Can't wait? Join the waitlist for deals and early access!

Does this sound like a broken record for you?

✔ You thoughts and emotions are all over the place, making hard to articulate exactly what you are feeling and want to say. 
✔ You play conversations over and over in your head, planning out what to say or worrying about what will happen.

✔ You doubt the validity of your emotions, questioning whether this is even worth sharing.
✔ You're not showing up as your 100% authentic self in relationships out of fear of being misunderstood or judged

✔ You're avoiding having the difficult conversation because you are sacred of what might happen when you DO speak truthfully.

✔ Old fears and wounds are making it difficult for you to speak up and share vulnerability, such as walking on eggs shells or feeling like you have to overcompensate to please, because that’s what you did as a kid.
✔ The feelings and thoughts about what to DO in this relationship dynamic is just TOO overwhelming, and it’s easier to avoid or numb it out with Netflix, snacks, or wine.
✔ If you’re being REALLY honest with yourself, you lack CLARITY in what you actually WANT or NEED from this relationship or how you'd like to improve the dynamic.


Now that you’ve recognized this, you are so ready to be DONE with that old soul-sucking cycle…

But then the question arises, “HOW do I do it?”

LIBERATION offers a comprehensive, customized approach to emotional healing, navigating your relationship dynamics & your unique connection style


Here’s the truth: it’s not your job to mediate the situation to keep the peace. It’s not about finding “the right time” to have the difficult conversation. And it’s also not about “forcing” yourself to be “hard,” which only results in you putting on MORE armour.

Your relationships are mirrors reflecting what’s going on inside of YOU. It's actually about what old patterns are playing out, what belief systems you have and in turn what people or situations you keep attracting. It's time to take responsibility for your part of the healing, and liberate yourself, so you re-align your relationships to match your values, needs and standards.


With Liberation You will… 

✔ Know how to NAVIGATE difficult dynamics with clarity, ease and a customized plan.

✔  Be CONFIDENT and comfortable in communicating your needs, without worrying that you'll be seen as a tough ass or b*tch. 

✔ Feel GROUNDED within so that difficult situations do not spill over and affect every area of your life (i.e. sleepless nights, other relationships, your performance, etc.). 

✔ Show up AUTHENTICALLY in the relationship(s), not needing to change or adjust yourself for anyone, and be fully received and accepted (and even celebrated) in exactly who you are.

✔ Feel deeply SEEN and understood in your relationships, and affirmed in the fact that what you're doing is enough (that you are enough). 

✔ Feel SAFE in your relationships. You believe it can be this good and actually get BETTER - that you are worthy and deserving of relationships that feel like this.

I want this, sign me up!

Close your eyes and imagine your life in a few short weeks...


You are more balance in your personal and professional relationships. You communicating with ease, you feel in control of your emotions, the tension has decreased and you feel more connected, finally on the same page.

Now, picture yourself with a personalized system to navigate emotions and difficult relationship dynamics, heal self-worth wounds, and dismantle fears that once held you back. You move through life grounded and empowered, in control of your emotions, no matter what challenges arise.

Your relationships have become a channel of receiving. Because you have shifted yourself from deep within, the energy you exude outward is completely unlevelled. You are now an energetic match with the money, love, and opportunities you desires, which are flowing to you through your balanced relationships.


You feel more connected to your intuition and empowered in decision-making, creating stronger personal and professional bonds and boundaries.


You feel deeply worthy and deserving, of the connection, support and love within the relationship, as well as the abundance the relationships bring to you subsequently. You not only feel insanely deserving of what you want, but you have expanded your capacity to HOLD more of this good stuff, at work or in your personal life, without sabotaging or pushing it away.


See how your life begins to expand, as you feel liberated from societal pressures and creating a life that’s authentically yours. You have the capacity to hold MORE—no longer playing small or feeling stuck. You’re energized by life, knowing you can always return to this empowered state, no matter what happens.

 You feel excited, motivated, and energized
by life again—and you know you have the tools to return to this state of mind whenever you need.

This is the outcome you truly desire—and it's within your reach inside LIBERATION.



Wondering Why I know this is possible for you? 

Because here, we throw generic out the window.

As an NLP, cycle, and embodied relationship dynamics coach, I draw from both my deep professional knowledge and personal journey of healing. Coming from a family marked by complex power dynamics across generations, I grew up navigating the challenges of being the eldest child of divorce, dealing with bullying after moving to a new country, and finding myself stuck in toxic relationships. Through overcoming my own deep wounds of abandonment and validation-seeking, I’ve learned to break down the walls I built around my heart.

With a deep understanding of the subconscious mind, I have a passion for dissecting relationship patterns, triggers, and behaviours, helping you see what’s really going on beneath the surface. I’m committed to ditching the one-size-fits-all approach, using my expertise in cycle coaching and womb energetics to guide you toward a process of liberation and connection that’s uniquely yours. As someone who knows the power of emotional softness, I will show you how to leverage that softness as your superpower in your connections for intimacy, networking, and leadership.

Through Liberation, I combine my expertise in subconscious healing and relationship dynamics to guide you in breaking through emotional barriers and creating authentic, thriving connections.

Here's what you're getting inside LIBERATION

LIBERATION is more than just a course; it’s a live, interactive experience where you’ll be supported every step of the way.

Live Component

In addition to the on demand content, participate in live sessions where you’ll receive personalized guidance and real-time feedback. All calls will be available via replay within 24-hours.

Community Connection

Join a like-minded group of individuals who are on the same journey, offering support, encouragement, and accountability. You’ll never feel isolated in this process. We’re in this together, every step of the way.

Ever-Growing & Alive Content:

With adapting and expanding as one of our main OH Flow values, this is a course that will continue to grow. You will be “grandmothered” in at this first round price and have continued access to the content and all new content that will continue to be added, for as long as the course exists.

Here’s a peek into LIBERATION:


HEAL EMOTIONAL TURMOIL: Getting to the CORE wound - aka “RED THREAD” - playing out in your relationships and healing it at the root. Addressing and clearing the deeper emotional wounds—those core beliefs and past relationship experiences that have kept you feeling stuck or walled up. You’ll learn to heal and neutralize these wounds, creating a sense of safety in her emotional expression.

ACTIVATE YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF: You will gain clarity on how to stand in your emotional sovereignty, embracing your whole authentic, soft, confident and empowered self so that you confidently articulate your emotions without fear of rejection or judgement. This phase will help you unlock your authentic voice and set emotional standards in your relationships. 

ESTABLISH EMOTIONAL SOVEREIGNTY: Step into EMOTIONAL SOVEREIGNTY where you are emotionally grounded and cyclically in tune with your needs, giving you the mental clarity to communicate with ease (and without fear). You will begin to feel balanced and self-assured within your emotions, relying less on external relationships for validation and more on your own inner grounding. You will learn how to soften into your emotional strength and intuitive intelligence as your superpower.

LEVERAGE COMMUNICATION STRENGTHS: With emotional clarity, you will be able to leverage your natural communicative strengths, using them to create deeper connections in all areas of your life—personal and professional. Your relationships will shift to become aligned with your values, free from the fears that once held her back. 

EMBODIMENT OF RAW CONFIDENCE: You will learn how to embody your most confident and empowered self (so that you can show up wholly and authentically, without needing to be “hard”), learning how to navigate power dynamics and facilitate ongoing transformation, no matter what comes up in your relationships. As a result you can FEEL deeply and still stand STRONG.











Ready to Liberate? 

 Live Lessons - 497€
The Liberation Matrix - 399€ (truly priceless)
Emotional Neutralization Process - 179€
Core Belief Eradicator - 269€
Future Conversation Anxiety Release - 179€ 
Guided Nervous System Regulation - 179€
Your Custom Embodied Connection Blueprint 329€
Worthy to Receive Activation Hypnosis - 249€
Exclusive Telegram Community - 199€
Q&A Call & Hot Seat Coaching - 199€
And so much more...

VALUE 2,222€

ONLY 555€

Payment Plan


Three Payments


Best Deal


Pay In Full


LIBERATE Yourself & Navigate any Dynamics with Laid Back Ease 


Liberation isn’t just another relationship course—it's not about following generic advice or memorizing communication techniques. It’s about guiding you through deep emotional healing and subconscious reprogramming so you can show up as your authentic, emotionally grounded self. The heart of this journey is learning to set emotional standards that align with your values and feeling safe enough to communicate your needs clearly. By embracing your uniqueness and emotional softness, you’ll cultivate thriving connections in both personal and professional relationships, doing it all your way.

I'm in!