Unveil past wounds, release self-doubt, and receive what you deserve in your relationships with love, money and creations.



 Date: September 13th, 2024

Time: 6 PM CET

Location: Online via Zoom

Price: Free 

Value: 497€

Replay available if you cannot attend live.

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To recover from or survive a difficult situation.

To move out of or away from something and become visible.

To become apparent or prominent.


You are more than your wounds. This powerful workshop is designed to help you uncover and heal the deep fears and past wounds that are holding you back from receiving the abundance, love, and opportunities you deserve. Learn techniques to calm your nervous system, heal emotional wounds, and step into your true worth.

If you're sick and tired of feeling like this, this workshop was made for you: 


✔ You struggle to make decisions at work or in your personal life because you're constantly second-guessing yourself and fearing you'll make the wrong choice. 

✔ You have a hard time trusting your long-term plans or commitments because deep down you're worried things will eventually fall apart, no matter how good they seem now. 

✔ You keep people at arm's length in relationships because past betrayals make it hard for you to fully trust or open up. 

✔ You stay in draining situations or relationships because you feel stuck, unable to envision a way to break free without losing your sense of security. 

✔ You constantly put off your goals and opportunities because fear of failure or not being ready keeps you from taking the leap.


Healing Begins Within: Open to Life’s Abundance

This workshop will guide you to start healing your inner world so that you can step into your true worth. Through practical techniques and deep insights, you'll learn how to release your past, calm your nervous system, and open yourself to receiving the good things in life.

Really, you want life to feel like this, where you're...

Setting clear boundaries in relationships without the fear of losing people, such as telling a partner what you truly need and standing by it without anxiety or guilt.

Stopping people-pleasing at work or in social situations, and instead, confidently sharing your opinions and needs, even if it risks conflict or discomfort.

Moving past decision paralysis by finally booking that solo trip, applying for that dream job, or taking that course you’ve been considering for years, without being frozen by the fear of the unknown.

No longer questioning your intuition when making important life decisions, such as moving to a new city or starting a new relationship, because you now trust yourself to make the right choices.

Taking up space in important conversations by expressing your true feelings and opinions, whether it’s negotiating a salary, setting boundaries with a partner, or addressing a misunderstanding with a friend, without worrying about being too much.

As an NLP expert and wellness coach,

I have helped over 70 women navigate deep transformation, heal their nervous systems, and reclaim their worth. My approach is deeply personalized, recognizing that your healing journey is unique. This is not just another workshop and my approach is not about generic approaches; it's a step toward your unique liberation.


This Workshop is for you if you're ready to:

Heal deep-seated wounds and release past trauma to unlock your potential in work, relationships, and life.

âś” Reclaim your power and take up space by overcoming self-doubt and setting boundaries.

âś” Transform your inner world by calming your mind, regulating your emotions, and resetting your nervous system to invite new opportunities and success.



If you're still unsure, let these amazing women who have gone through this process share their experiences:


"I loved attending this workshop hosted by Olivia! It left me feeling lighter, softer and more enlightened. She exudes inspiration, lifting women up to be the best versions of themselves."

"She opened my eyes to the tools that make life seem "effortless" and got me out of my head. So excited to get to put these learned skills to good use!"

"The personalized approach made me feel truly seen. I now have the tools to heal and thrive."

"I used to freeze up when it came to making decisions at work. After the workshop, I felt like a weight was lifted—I started trusting my instincts and stopped overthinking every choice. Now, I can make decisions with confidence and calm."

"Olivia helped me find my voice in my relationship. For the first time, I was able to set boundaries without feeling guilty, and I’m finally getting what I need."