Cyclical Living with the Cosmos: Libra Season
Oct 05, 2022
Ready for your Libra SZN Cosmic Cyclical Living Breakdown? ⚖️
Psst. I've been doing these breakdowns since May on the @decluttered.intentions Instagram, but will be giving more extensive step by steps for what each cosmic season is about and how to use the energy to your advantage in work, life and pleasure!
Libra season is all about beauty, harmony and balance. 🌷
Libra Season: September 22nd to October 22nd. Element: Air
Modality: Cardinal (meaning the beginning of a new season - in this case Fall).
The Libra Season Energy Archetype
Libra season marks the beginning of the fall season, and as a cardinal sign it has all that initiation energy. Just think about that back to school energy wrapped up in the desire to connect and stand up for what you believe in, in order to create beauty and balance in your life and in the world.
In short, libra season is the archetype of the peacekeeper, the muse, the social justice warrior, and the conscious partner.
This season brings the energy and desire for balance. This comes with a focus on creating stability, peace, and harmony. This comes down to standing up for what we believe in and focusing on our relationships. The themes of masculine/feminine energies are prominent this season as they support you in looking at ways in which you can create more balance in the world, in your work and in your relationships. The energy around love and conscious partnerships asks you to reflect and give space and attention to these areas of your life. Finally, this season brings an energetic focus to beauty. How can you be your own muse for your life or find beauty that inspires you?
Now is the time to being honest with yourself around where you have let things slip and where you are being called to reinstate balance again. It also reminds us to come back to the beauty of life… to create beauty everywhere we go and in everything we do.
There’s some serious feminine energetic qualities right there, calling us to come back to the pleasure of the process. It’s a FANTASTIC time to look at your relationship with yourself, your values, and connections with others... and a PERFECT time to do an ENERGY AUDIT!
And I gotchu sister! In the Unleash Your Superpower eBook you get a full energy audit quiz to help you identify where you are at on the masculine/feminine energy spectrum and exactly how to reinstate balance by unlocking your energetic superpower.
How to Use the Energy of Libra Season:
It is the SZN to be THE queen of balance. Where do you need to set up better boundaries in order to protect your peace and energy? Where can you create more balance? This is a great time to assess your inner sacred union and partnership between your inner masculine and feminine energies. Are you out of balance? Is one currently taking up more space than the other?
You might also feel called to create peace in your life. In doing so, remember to prioritize your values first and foremost. If you don't do this, you might become the peace-maker rather than the peace-keeper, where you sacrifice yourself in order to create harmony for everyone else.
This season is about justice that helps create a harmonious and balanced world. This doesn't mean you have to drop everything and go off to do charity work, but what is something that you believe in and would like to support more? This could be in the form of showing up to volunteer, to share you own work and message with the world, or to donate to a cause you believe in. Where are you being called to step up, lead, and stand up for what you believe in? Now is the time to do that; the energy of the season is supporting you.
Love love love. This is the season of it. Time to prioritize your relationships in romance, in work, and with yourself. Again, consider the balance of masculine and feminine energies in your relationships. Are you allowing yourself to show up fully and wholly in your truest most authentic self? Can you work with the feminine energy do tap more into your deeper desires and lean into the masculine energy of execution to communicate those?
This is a fantastic time to reassess your values in your relationships, reflect on your current relationships/friendships/partnerships, and consider ways you can deepen them.
💫 REFLECT ON VALUES (Specifically related to MONEY & CONNECTIONS)
Mhmm... time to think about what’s REALLY important to you. Remember, you are not here to be a peace-keeper where you sacrifice yourself but rather the peace MAKER of your OWN life.
Have you been doing things for the wrong reasons? Have you been showing up in ways that priorities your energy and the things that are important to you? Time to press the reset button. If there's any blocked or stagnant energy with your relationships of any form (with work, people, money, love) time to put in some energetic drain-o! Ask yourself, what will bring me the greatest sense of peace and pleasure? Prioritize that!
It’s time to be surrounded by beauty - get flowers, add some upgraded decorations to your space, get your nails done. Be YOUR own goddamn muse! Time for a princess diaries level fun make-over! Or at least, let yourself indulge in something that will make YOU feel beautiful!
The energy of libra season asks you to come back to making life a work of art simply for the sake of it! Not for the purpose of becoming famous or making lots of money, but simply for the beauty and enjoyment of it. Surround yourself with all the things that are beautiful to you... and soon, you will see all the sublet shifts that start beautifying mundane daily life.
Comment below what you’ll be doing to harness the energy of this libra season and sync with the cyclical energies!👇🏼
Get ready to Unlock the Three Cyclical Codes to Expand Your Productivity
With the Free Sacred Guide
Crack the Codes of your Cyclical Success Strategy
✔ The science behind cycle syncing and why your procrastination, lack of momentum or focus have nothing to do with your “lack” of productivity
✔ Unlock the THREE CODES to Cyclical Harmony so that you can create your cyclical success strategy and start living in your dream life & freedom frequency
✔ Walk away with your clear process for maximising your productivity, increasing your efficiency and in turn reclaiming your time and energy