How to be in Receiving Mode to Attract Your Manifestations Faster
Dec 09, 2022
What Does it Mean to be in Receiving Mode?
Living and working in receiving mode is EXACTLY how you can ditch all the hustle, burnout and overworking, and get the outcome and results you desire faster and with more ease. Receiving mode is a state that you tap into when you have activated your inner feminine energy and created an energetic balance in your life between the masculine & feminine within you.
Most of society lives in survival mode. To an extent it is natural because that is what generations of ancestors have taught us. Our bodies are so good at keeping us safe and when it notices a sustained level of stress - which is ever present in modern society - it turns all the sensors on red alert so that we can survive another day. On a scientific level, this means that you are spending most of your time in your sympathetic nervous system (fight, flight, freeze, fawn) as opposed to also being in your parasympathetic (rest, digest, and reproduce).
Even though you no longer need that same level of survival today, we still play out the same recordings of lack: there is never enough, I have to do more, it’s not good enough. The brain literally believes that we are in a life or death situation when we don’t unload the dishwasher before going to bed or when our boss call's us in for a chat because of the negative self-talk that commences which creates an anxious response which triggers our stressors. Our bodies and brains are constantly reading the situations happening around us, interalizing them, and then responding "appropriately." If you continue to live in a sympathetic dominant state, then you are going to keep yourself in a live ruled by stress and anxiety and prevent yourself from tapping into the power of receiving mode.
This state of constant stress is a result of wounded and unbalanced masculine energy in our society which ripples out and conditions you on an individual level. On an energetic level, this heavy unbalanced masculine ultimately what keeps you from being a magnet to your desires and taking action in an aligned way.
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This state of constant stress is a result of wounded and unbalanced masculine energy. On an energetic level, this heavy unbalanced masculine ultimately what keeps you from being a magnet to your desires.
Being in Receiving Mode means living from a place of PLEASURE.
Why do our stress levels matter when it comes to receiving mode? And why should you even care about being in "receiving mode," especially if you've managed to be successful despite the stress you've felt up until this point? In survival mode there is no room for pleasure. It is not safe to feel pleasure, because if your guard is down, that is when the predator will pounce. Metaphorically speaking.
Living in a place of PLEASURE allows you to exist in an energy of abundance. You are ENJOYING life so much so that you are focusing on all that you are enjoying and you in turn attract more of it.
Pleasure is a feminine energetic quality, that requires you to be present, be in the moment, and be in your body. Experiencing pleasure is an energetic state in and of itself, but pure pleasure exists in the moment. Of course you can be thinking ahead to the goal you want to create and how amazing it is going to feel, however you will most likely have some "wanting" and "grasping" energy mixed up in there because that thing does not yet exist in your current reality.
Healing, reclaiming and then activating your feminine energy allows you to practice being in pleasure because when you come back into your feminine energy, you actually activate your parasympathetic nervous system. Slowing down, playing, and being in your creativity are all you being in your feminine energy. For the most part, none of those aspects include hustling, working hard, and being in stress mode. Balancing out your inner energetics by reclaiming your feminine energy comes from slowing down, which is exactly what I teach in the signature feminine energy embodiment course Rest for Success.
When you slow down, you arrive in this moment. When that feels safe, that is when you can tap into pleasure and ultimately move yourself into receiving mode. Ultimately, this process is the law of attraction.
The feminine energy state is magnetic and this is exactly why. In order to be in receiving mode, your job is to manage your energy by regulating your nervous system so that you can move your brain and body out of survival mode.
The Law of Attraction & the Law of Vibration: How & Why Receiving Mode Works
In order to talk about the law of attraction though, we need to talk about the law of vibration. The law of vibration states that everything is energy. That includes you, that includes the physical things in the room around you, and it also includes the "idea" of your current desire such as a certain amount of money, flying first class, publishing your novel, or being a keynote speaker. It all exists already as energy, even in this "idea" form.
Once you understand the law of vibration, then we can talk about the law of attraction which states that "like attracts like." This means that your inner work is to become a vibrational match to the outcome, desire, or thing that you want, so that you both are existing in the same energetic state and therefore become magnets to one another.
The feminine energy state is magnetic and this is exactly why. In order to be in receiving mode, your job is to manage your energy by regulating your nervous system so that you can move your brain and body out of survival mode.
Then, you can begin moving back into a state of pleasure, because you are grounded in your feminine energetic state. This is the foundation to magnetising and manifesting your desires faster and in general without the burnout and hustle and instead with all the ease. This is the power of the feminine and of your energetic balance.
Experiencing pleasure also counters and eases the nervous system so that you release stress cycle and come back into a grounded state of balance, and in turn has a positive affect on your focus, productivity, and relationships. But, you first need to create SAFETY around pleasure. Especially as a woman, you have been taught that it is not safe to feel pleasure or have desires. This means doing the work to make the feminine energy in your life and within you feel safe again.
Just so you know, this is MY superpower. Supporting and helping you heal and reclaim your feminine energy and reinstate an energetic balance between the masculine and feminine... this if you're nodding your head realizing the call to do this incredible and transformative work, let's chat!
No wonder it’s hard to manifest and attract when you want when you are constantly living in survival mode and subconsciously suppressing the desires you are trying to create.
Ready to turn your RECEIVING MODE ON? Click here for your next step to activate & balance your inner energetics!
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